Monday, November 26, 2007

Roadside Assistance for vehicle brake downs

Have you ever called for Roadside Assistance when your car broke down? Believe it or not all of the questions that are asked by the RA rep must be answered in order to quickly and effectively get RA service to your location. I know that it is hard to focus on just answering the RA reps questions because your mind is most likely on other things like I'm going to be late and what do I do while my car is being fixed, but take a deep breath and just answer the RA reps questions so that your RA experience will be quick and efficient in getting a Service Provider to your location. I've included some of the generic questions that are asked by the RA rep and if you have the answers to these questions before you call for Roadside Assistance then the call will take on average of 3-4 minutes for setting up the service for a Jump Start, Flat Tire Change out, Lockouts & Fuel Delivery's. The average time for a tow is between 6-7 minutes for setting up the service if you have the following information available before you call for RA service.

  1. A good Call Back phone number.
  2. Your Roadside Assistance Policy Number.
  3. The Year, Make, Model and Color of the vehicle that needs service.
  4. The Location of the vehicle with city and state (Exact address of your location would be the best or at least the nearest cross streets where two roads intersect with each other, like at a stop sign or stop light).
  5. If the vehicle needs to be towed, then you will also need to provide the Name, Address, City, & State of where to tow the vehicle to which might be one of your own choosing or one that your insurance company provides to you that will be an insurance company authorized service center for accidents.

Notes: You should always be away of the State you are in, the road you are on, the exit you just past and the one coming up and also the mile markers on the side of the road if your on a highway otherwise be aware of the cross streets as you pass by them in town or the nearest store to your vehicle so the rep can locate an address close to your location.

Two things come to mind with this situation, and they are "Garbage In, Garbage Out" and "Help Me to Help You", so it's important to be aware of your surroundings and to have the information needed before you call for Roadside Assistance if your want to expedite your Roadside Assistance service.
