Hacker: A Hacker is a person who breaks into a system to prove that it can be broken into and to show the other person that there are leaks in the system so that they can plug them up and make them better to keep the bad guys out (kind of like why did you climb the mountain? Because it was there).
Cracker: A Cracker is a person who breaks into a system to delete, steel, manipulate the data that is there or to create general havoc for either a company or individual of the data that is found there.
Instead of giving Hackers a bad reputation, companies should put hackers to work preventing the crackers from getting into their computer files. Think about it, what better people to keep the crackers out than the hackers who just like to help companies by building a better mouse trap in keeping the crackers out of their computer systems.
I've read that several companies have adopted the practice of using hackers to make their systems more secure against the crackers out there which I think is a great idea and I hope that other companies follow their example.
I've helped raise 4 children and I'd like to pass along some of my wisdom, now that I've gone through the raising process with them, such as:
When ever one of my teenagers had friends over and one of them did something that was unacceptable to me as a parent such as if I found a beer or alcohol bottle in the trash or around the house, I would always talk with the teenager that had their friends over and my philosophy was 3 strikes and their out. Meaning, I would give my kids the opportunity to take care of it them self the 1st time and if it happened a second time, I would demand the name of the child who cause the infraction along with the number to the child's parents and then I would call them myself which is the 2nd strike. Then if it happened a third time, then that friend of my child was not welcome to my house or to be with them when they were driving or to drive with them in their vehicle.
My children were not allowed to ride in a car that didn't have a seat belt for them and they could not overload their own car with their friends. There must be a seat belt for every passenger or the passenger had to make other riding arrangements with another friend.
After they graduated and was able to drink on their own, I volunteer my services to act as a taxi service for them and it didn't matter what time of the night it was. I would pick them up from the bar or house if they drank with friends. I figured that I would rather pick them up after drinking than attend their funeral because of a error in judgement on their part. I would tell myself that "Pain is temporary (getting out of bed and picking them up) and Pride is forever (not having to attend their funeral)".
Don't do anything I wouldn't do and If you do, don't get caught. Otherwise you won't like the consequences of your actions (meaning punishments imposed by your parents or the law depending upon the severity). - Patrick Julian
Good judgment comes from experience... experience comes from bad judgment!
A picture is worth a thousand words but Video is Action and Actions are louder than words. - Patrick Julian
I learn from my mistakes once and I try not to make them twice. - Patrick Julian
If they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you. - Dr Phil
The Best predictor of future behavior is past performance. - Dr Phil
You're either part of the problem or part of the solution. Become part of the solution and stop being part of the problem. - Patrick Julian
If you want the last word in an argument, apologize. - John Tesh
When you discover the world around you, You discover the world within you.
I heard about a new device from Amazon.com called Kindle which looks pretty good and I like the Wi-Fi option that is built in. However, I think that it's priced too high. I think that it's going to be like the iPhone was when it first came out, which is to say that after the hype wore off and those of us that didn't want to pay that much money for a cell phone, waited for the price to be lowered so that it's affordable to the masses. So I'll just wait until the price comes down to under $200 since I have to pay $10 for every book that I download on top of the device so that I can use it.
Failure is measured by how long you stay down when you don't succeed.
I'd rather be Single & Happy than Married & Miserable. - Dr Phil
Never ask a question that you don't already know the answer. - Dr Phil
A right fighter will die a lonely person. - Dr Phil
Failure is just a road to success.
If you change your choices, you change your destination.
In school I learned that a reporter should ask the following questions:
1 Who
2 What
3 When
4 Where
5 Why
and How
if these are all addressed, then you have just told a story about what it is that you're talking about.
Cause & Effect
We retain
10% of what we read
20% of what we hear
95% of what we teach