- Private I
- If Found
- ICE - I have 2 different version loaded
- Google Mobile App
- Flashlight
- G-Spot
- G-Park
- Birthday List
- Big Clock
- Pageonce
- Passwords
- People
- GasBag
- iFlix
- StuffRadar
- Ya Mapped!
- ShopList - Make a shopping list for use at the store.
- Shazam
- iTalk
- Radio Finder
- KickScreen
- Remote
- Shipments - Track your packages ordered.
- Speedtest
- Trapster
- AirSharing
- Feeds
- iMake
- SportsTap
- TipBuddy
- Vinoriffic
- RainbowNote
- Spell Check - Check the spelling of words without a computer.
- Google Earth
- Stanza
- eReader
- WiFinder
- Cards -
- Nature SDS -
- Phone Aid -
- Weather Bug -
- News USA - Daily news, like reading the newspaper every day.
- IOU -
- Matches Plus -
- Say Where -
- PictureDialer - Dial numbers with a picture.
- Discover - File sharing with your Hard Drive.
- AppVee - Brief video of different apps.
- AppSniper - This worth it's weight in gold.
- Kindle - by Amazon for the iPhone/iPod - Finally.
- Send Photos - Send photos via E-mail without loading the E-mail program.
- MMS - Send photos via text message instead of using E-mail.
- Speed4touch - Speed dial for the iPhone.
- InstaContact - Allows friends to enter only the data that they want you to have in your contacts list.
- i.TV - TV listing on the iPhone/iPod.
- Next Read - Make a list of the books you want to get with photos.
- Craigsphone - Browse for services on Craigs List.
- ClientTimer -
- ColorSplash - Add color to Black & White photos.
- iVibrate - Need I say more. Women love this program.
- HolyWars - Make your opinion known to the rest of the program users.
- Snap Tell -
- AroundMe - Find nearby businesses around you present location.
- Inventory - Inventory your assets.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Must have iPhone/iPod apps:
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My Favorite Quotes
Albert Einstein:
The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide you sources.
The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.
Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.
Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.
Not everything that counts can be counted, and now everything that can be counted counts.
Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Sometimes one pays most for the things one get for nothing.
Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.
We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Apple News
- Copy and paste function for the iPhone.
- Flash doesn't work.
- Wi-Fi syncing with iTunes so that I don't have to connect with a cord each day, this is getting old very quickly.
- Landscape view for any screen that needs typing like URL's and E-mails etc.
- Click on a photo to save it to the Photo log. Completed
- Add the ability to create categories and allow the user to put the programs installed into specific categories like Play Music, Recording Programs etc. ( I use to use a program that would allow me to do this on the original iPhone which allowed me to bypass the 7 screen limitations by putting groups of programs into individual categories, like folders. This feature should be able to be used on the iPhone and the iPod with out jailbreaking it.
- Macro feature for the iPhone camera.
- Video capability and the ability to transfer the files to the HD.
- Add a speaker and microphone to the iPod, like the iPhone without the phone cabibilities. I think this has been complete in the latest version, I'll check it out.
- Since the iPod also has the ability to access the Internet, it should have the ability to use the 3G service.
The Mac vs PC ads are great and it’s because of those ads that I began to look at the reality of my Microsoft operating system and after talking with my son who says that he and his wife have been using their Mac’s for three years now and have not had any operating system crashes, and I’ve had 5 in the last two years, helped me to make the decision to buy a Mac in the next 30 days since it’s obvious to me that the Mac operating system is more stable than the Microsoft and I’m tired of reinstalling Windows and all of my software every time it crashes. Hummm…. I’ts a no brainier and it’s also a done deal on payday.
Firmware 2.2 fixes I've read about:
There are more features listed for the 2.2 firmware that is coming however, these are what I'm hoping to see.